Actions to support proper label display in shops
National partners will conduct a wide range of activities to support the proper presence of energy labels in shops – both the new energy labels, and the old “design”, depending on the product category. Project partners plan to contact other organisations, such as consumer groups, media, environmental NGOs, educational organisations etc. to involve them into a common effort to explain, motivate and cooperate with retailers about the proper displays of energy labels, possibly directly also involving related information activities.
These organisations will be invited to help with additional actions to support and motivate shops and bringing media attention to the positive effects of labelling on consumers’ energy bill, the energy efficiency of the country, etc. Appliance suppliers (manufacturers and importers) will also be invited to play an active role in supporting proper appliance labelling in shops and helping retailers in achieving this goal. Retailers will be invited to take part in promotion and education activities.
The documents describing specific activities are due in June 2012, or contact the project co-ordinator or national project partners if you would like to be engaged in this activity.

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Results of the project shop visits, organised in early 2013 in Austria by the Austrian Energy Agency , have been published in a form of a press release. Several media have published the results and highlighted the situation related to product labelling in shops.

The Greek project partner, CRES, has prepared and printed a training manual on the energy labelling of air conditioning systems. The manual explains the new energy labels, the main characteristics of the new legislation, the obligations of suppliers and retailers, how the energy labels should be displayed both in retail shops and in internet shops and how the market will be affected by ecodesign requirements. The manual was welcomed by SVEIS (greek national CECED office) and it will be distributed to its members, as well as to other interested relevant stakeholders.

The Italian project partner, ENEA, has elaborted a detailed overview of the presence of energy labels in Italian points of sales, analysing the label display in relations to the product types, shop types, regions, and other characteristics.

The German project partner has organised a retailer training, where representatives of a retailer chain received detailed information about the new energy labels and discussed the recent developments in energy labelling and its proper dispaly at the points of sales. Find the presentation in German language.

Results of the project shop visits, organised in early 2013 in Germany by Öko Institute, have been published in a form of a press release. Several media have published the results and highlighted the situation related to product labelling in shops.

The Come On Labels Training in a vocational schools took place on 23rd of April 2013, in Hartberg (Styria, Austria). It was organized as a part of the “Energy Saving Master” training in vocational schools, in cooperation with topprodukte.at (programme of the Austrian climate protection initiative klima:aktiv, from the Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management).

The Italian manufacturer association, CECED Italia, in cooperation with ENEA, the national energy agency and the Come On Labels project partner, has conducted a series of seminars for the regional retailers, informing and educating them about the energy labeling provisions, content and requirements. Over 300 retailer representatives particaipted to the events, organised from November 2012 to January 2013 in Padova, Bologna, Bari, Firenze and Catania.