Documenti del progetto
In questa sezione sono raccolti i documenti del progetto Come On Labels in lingua italiana
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Detailed overveiw of energy label display in Italy
The Italian project partner, ENEA, has elaborted a detailed overview of the presence of energy labels in Italian points of sales, analysing the label display in relations to the product types, shop types, regions, and other characteristics.
New energy labels explained in Italian language
Italian project partner, ENEA, has prepared a brochure, explaining the new enegry labels to consumers.
Product testing and market surveillance - opportunities for an effective exchange system
Energy labelling and ecodesign are a crucial driver for market transformation, orienting consumers’ choice towards more energy efficient appliances. Unfortunately, not all EU Member States apply effective actions for controlling the correct labelling implementation and product compliance. The Come On Labels project therefore has analysed the question of information and test results exchange among Member States and related bodies, in order to draw some recommendations to be shared. The main goal of this document is to collect available information and practices about the sharing of surveillance activities at EU and Member States level, and to describe the recently published Product Safety and Market Surveillance Package that includes new recommendations and obligations for market surveillance authorities.
Series of retailer training seminars undertaken in Italy
The Italian manufacturer association, CECED Italia, in cooperation with ENEA, the national energy agency and the Come On Labels project partner, has conducted a series of seminars for the regional retailers, informing and educating them about the energy labeling provisions, content and requirements. Over 300 retailer representatives particaipted to the events, organised from November 2012 to January 2013 in Padova, Bologna, Bari, Firenze and Catania.
Article on new energy labels for Air conditioners in Italian
An article on new energy labels has been published in Trade Bianco, Italian expert magazine on products and appliances.
Presence of energy labels in Italian shops
An overview and analysis of a presence of energy labels in shops in Italy, undertaken in 2012.
Retailer training seminars organised in Italy
The Italian project partner, ENEA, is working with CECED Italia and the national retailer Association to educate retailers about the proper display of energy labels at the points of sale. First two seminars have taken place in November 2012 in Padova and Bologna, attended by 90 and 50 participants, respectively.
Energy labels in GreenSchool
On 18th October 2012, ENEA presented energy labels on a seminar organized under GreenSchool project in Laveno Mombello.
State of the appliances in Italy: an overview of household equipment in use
Survey on penetration of domestic appliances in Italian households and their energy efficiency levels.
Retailer training manual (IT)
ENEA - JRC School Day in Italy
The Italian project partner organised a School Day on May 14., 2012, where energy labelling issues have been presented to students from three schools. (The programme and presentation for download in Italian)
Italian TV on the new energy labels
A video on the new energy labels for refrigerators has been broadcasted within an Italian TV programme "Le Iene" (The hyenas), a satiric programme that reports to the general public social and political issues and open problems.
Sostituzione degli apparecchi domestici installati: strumenti e risultati in Italia
Ina Rüdenauer, Corinna Fischer
Training to students in Sesto Calende, Italy
Energy label related training was presented to students of the Technical institute ISIS C.A. Dalla Chiesa in Sesto Calende (VA). 5 classrooms (about 100 students) have been involved in a information campaign on the use of household appliances in particular cold appliances and washing machines.
Presentation at university in Rome
Presentation for the lesson titled "L'etichettatura energetica: strumento di promozione (globale) dell'efficienza energetica ?" (Energy labelling: tool for the (global) promotion of the energy efficiency?)
Presentation on product energy labelling on a workshop about biomass stoves labels
Presentation and further information about biomass stoves within the European trade event.
Training to students in Ispra
Summary and photos from a dissemination event where energy label was presented to students in Ispra.
Presentation on new energy labels to fifth grade students in Italy
The Italian project partner, ENEA, has undertaken a presentation to fifth grade students and teachers, dealing with the product energy usage and energy labelling. Full presentation available upon request.
Comparing appliances: when the class makes a difference
Article about the new energy labels in La Repubblica internet newspaper.
La legislazione comunitaria sulla etichettatura energetica degli apparecchi domestici
CoL consortium
CoL consortium
On May 14, 2011, the Joint Research Centre - Ispra Site - organised the annual "Open Day". Visitors received information about the energy efficiency and renewable energy opportunities. The local ENEA office participated to the event presenting the on-going activities, including the ComeOn Label project. The pictures available below for download show the project material displayed, there is also the poster for download.
(4.8 MB)
Presenza dell’etichetta energetica nei punti vendita
CoL consortium