Project´s final national event taking place in Germany
15. 04. 2013
The Come On Labels National Event in Germany took place on Tuesday, April 9, in Hannover. Under the title “Transparency in the appliance jungle – provided by the new EU energy label?”, a seminar for energy counselors, retailers, and installers had been organized in cooperation with proKlima enercity Fund. The seminar was attended by about 25 people. Dr. Corinna Fischer, of the German Come On Labels partner Öko-Institut e.V., gave a presentation highlighting the characteristics of the new label, results of the shop visits, and reactions of consumers and markets to the new label. The presentation was very well received and led to lively discussions. The second presentation was given by Michael Danner, Kommunikation für Mensch und Umwelt, who presented a pilot project with retailers providing Point-of-Sale information to appliance buyers, in which Come On Labels materials had been used, too. Find the presentation HERE.