App ecoGator launched to the public
17. 10. 2014
The EcoGator app equips shoppers with independent shopping advice via their Android and iOS device so they can snap up the best available products without getting lost in today's maze of unclear...
Market surveillance of Energy Labelling and Ecodesign product requirements
12. 02. 2014
SEVEn and SoWatt have elaborated a report summarising the European experience, challenges and opportunities in the field of market surveillance of the energy label and ecodesign legislation requirements in the EU. The document summarises the findings and recommendations made by four EU projects, organised between 2009 to 2015, and focused on product testing and shop label display monitoring activities.
Come On Labels project presented at EEDAL 2013 conference
17. 09. 2013
The summary of activities, findings, and main achievements of the Come On Labels project have been presented at the EEDAL 2013 conference (http://www.eedal-2013.eu/) in Coimbra, Portugal, 9/2013. Find the conference Paper and Presentation here.
Project EU energy labelling experience presented on a conference in Brazil
16. 07. 2013
The EU energy labelling experience, including Come On Labels research on label display in shops, product testing, and market surveillance, has been presented on a conference: Labelling Programs for Energy Efficiency in Latin America and the Caribbean: Experiences and Best Practices Petrópolis, Brazil, July, 10 - 11, 2013. More information here.
Project´s Final Publishable Report available
02. 07. 2013
The Come On Labels project has been active between Devember 2010 and May 2013. All of its most significant activities are summarised in the Final Publishable Report, which is available HERE in English, as well as national modifications for Austria, the Czech Republic, Germany, Malta, Poland and Spain. Contact the coordinator in case of your interest for printed copies or more information about the project!
Project´s Newsletter no. 8 published
01. 07. 2013
The Come On Labels project´s Newsletter n. 8 has been published, highlighting the elaboration of the Final Publishable Report, and briefly summarising the areas in which the project has been active. Find the Newsletter HERE (in English) and HERE (in Spanish).
New edition of a leaflet on new energy labels in Poland
25. 06. 2013
The Polish project partner has prepared a new edition of a leaflet explaing the new energy labels, distributed in retailer stores and with municipalities. Find the leaflet, in Polish, here.
New energy labels explained in a leaflet circulated with ASEW in Germany
24. 06. 2013
The project partner in GErmany, Öko Institute, had delevoped a leaflet explaining new energy labels to the consumers, which is circulated to the clients of energy utilities, which are a member of ASEW - The German Association of Municipal Utilities Supporting Sustainable Resource Management. Find the document HERE.
Results of the project shop visits published in Austria
19. 06. 2013
Results of the project shop visits, organised in early 2013 in Austria by the Austrian Energy Agency , have been published in a form of a press release. Several media have published the results and highlighted the situation related to product labelling in shops. Find HERE the press release and sample articles.
New Austrian leaflet on new energy labels
18. 06. 2013
Some 100 thousand pieces of new leaflets have been printed by the project in Austria, circulated to shops and other points of sales. Fine the document here.
Energy labels promoted in a movie
14. 06. 2013
Find a language neutral flash movie informing consumers about the energy labels and energy efficiency classes available for different product types. You can see the video in the Internet Explorer browser. Find the movie HERE.
Articles on new energy labels in Portuguese
13. 06. 2013
Series of articles containing information about the new energy labels has been published recently in Portugal, both in online newsservers, and broadcasted on Portuguese television channel. Find the articles here (in Portuguese).
Project final event in Poland
12. 06. 2013
The project´s final event in Poland took place in April 2013 in Warsaw and involved representatives of market surveillance authorities, suppliers, media and other stakeholders. Find the event summary and individual presentations (in Polish) here.
Series of presentations in Portugal
10. 06. 2013
The Portuguese project partner, Quercus, has participated in 25 events all over the country, attended by 1550 participants (general public, students and teachers). The Come On Labels project was presented to the audience focusing on the new energy labels and their importance for energy efficiency from the consumers’ point of view. Energy label promotional materials were disseminated among the participants. Find more information here.
New energy labels on air-conditioners and other products explained in Malta
05. 06. 2013
New energy labels, as used for air-conditioning units and other product groups, such as TVs, are explained in new materials produced in English by a project partner in Malta - in the format of poster and bookmarks. Find the documents here.