Other appliance labelling related documents

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This guide discusses the responsibilities related to the manufacturing, importing, and sales of electrical equipment and is an attempt to answer the following questions, for example: Who is responsible, and for what?

The report aims to compile and disseminate information on monitoring, verification and enforcement (MV&E) processes used by regulatory and enforcement agencies to ensure compliance in S&L programs within APEC economies. The Come On Labels project is quoted for EU label display experience.

One of the product groups, for which new energy labelling is being prepared, are the vacuum cleaners. If interested in more information, background document from the EC, and proposals from the industry and NGOs, find all relevant documents.

Technology forcing standards are described as one of possible methods to overcome market barriers and failures and to help countries to reach their climate change targets.

The ATLETE II project (2012 - 2014) tests 50 randomly selected washing machines for the full compliance with the energy labelling and ecodesign requirements.
The project overview summarises main project activities and its consortium.

The study focuses on the scope and ambitions related to the implementation of the Ecodesign directive. It focuses on describing the functioning of the Ecodesign Directive, quantifying the potential benefits associated to the Directive, evaluating the implementation of the Directive thus far, and makes recommendations for improvement.

The report is a part of the IEA‟s Mapping and Benchmarking Annex of the Efficient End-use Electrical Equipment Implementing Agreement (4E).

Overview of European legislation on energy efficiency of products, presentation from an Intelligent Energy Europe InfoDay. (1.3MB)

SEAD partners will work together to "pull" super-efficient appliances and equipment into the market by cooperating on measures like manufacturer incentives and R&D investments. At the same time, partners will "push" the most inefficient equipment out of the market by working together to bolster national or regional policies like minimum efficiency standards. For example, SEAD will identify opportunities for strengthening appliance and equipment efficiency standards through international cooperation. (131kB)

The study identifies the factors influencing the penetration of energy
efficient electrical appliances into national markets in Europe. Three main sources of information have been used: market data, published and grey literature, and interviews with key stakeholders.

The project „Smart Domestic Appliances in Sustainable Energy Systems (Smart-A)" aims at developing strategies how smart domestic appliances can contribute to load management in future energy systems. In order to do this, the project assesses the options for load-shifting by a variety of appliances across Europe and compares these with the requirements from energy systems both on the local and regional level. (1.2MB)