Energy label design market surveys

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A new study by Navigant Consulting for CLASP, published in May, 2013, shows that there in an opportunity to enhance the effectiveness of energy labelling in the EU by revisiting the label design.

The report provides an overview of development of Swiss appliance market based on energy label sales data.

Survey of strategies used by APEC economies to monitor market compliance with energy efficiency standards and labelling (S&L) programs for consumer appliances and office equipment. Available at http://www.clasponline.org.

Report on outlining connections between groups and factors influencing choice of appliances, prepared by the Promotion 3E under Intelligent Energy Europe Programme.
The Promotion 3E project focused on training the appliance stores sales personel on energy efficiency and labelling.

Report on the major factors influencing appliances' choice, prepared by the Promotion 3E project under Intelligent Energy Europe Programme.
The Promotion 3E project focused on training the appliance stores sales personel on energy efficiency and labelling.

Trends in EU market concerning energy labels of major household appliances.
Presentation, given at the 9th JRC workshop on Energy Efficiency Policiesin Kiev in July 2011.

The purpose of this paper is to provide evidence of the effect of two discussed labelling schemes on consumer decisions regarding televisions. The findings are based on 2,244 observations, where half of the consumers surveyed were exposed to the existing label and the other half received an otherwise identical survey, but using the new categories. (1.3MB)