The EcoGator app equips shoppers with independent shopping advice via their Android and iOS...
SEVEn and SoWatt have elaborated a report summarising the European experience, challenges and...
The summary of activities, findings, and main achievements of the Come On Labels project have...


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Project´s final national event taking place in Germany

15. 04. 2013

The Come On Labels National Event in Germany took place on Tuesday, April 9, in Hannover. Under the title “Transparency in the appliance jungle – provided by the new EU...

Green minute on new energy labels broadcasted in Portugal

12. 04. 2013

The Portuguese Radio channel Antena 1 has broadcasted the Quercus programme "One Minute for the Earth". This programme emphasises the importance of the energy labels in the selection of energy efficient appliances, the energy savings between the different energy classes and explains the range of energy classes now available on the market for the major appliances. To hear the programme click here.

Information material about new energy label for air-conditioners in Portuguese

11. 04. 2013

The Portuguese project partner, Quercus, has produced an information material explaining the new energy labels designed for air-conditioning units. It is printed in 5000 pieces and circulated via retailers, suppliers, consumer information networks. Find the material, in Portuguese, here.

Series of workshops and seminars organised in Portugal

10. 04. 2013

Since the bengiining of 2013, series of 17 seminars for consumers and students, with over 1300 participants in total, have been organised in Portugal. Find the list of events and additional information HERE.

Press release about bookmarks in Latvia

29. 03. 2013

Almost in all libraries in Latvia have received project´s bookmarks about new energy labels to circulate to their members and readers. See attached the press release in Latvian to find out more.

Portugal: participation to the GfK annual conference

27. 03. 2013

The Portuguese partner, Quercus, presented the Come On Labels project and its main outcomes in the GfK 17th annual conference held in Lisbon on the 12th of March 2013. The conference was attended by a large number of manufacturers, suppliers, distributors and retailers. See the presentation, in Portuguese, HERE.

New energy labelling legislation for light sources explained

25. 03. 2013

Directional, non-directional lamps and luminaires are currently a subject to new energy labelling. Read here a document which summarises the legislation and labelling requirements to these products. The document has been prepared in a cooperation of three European projects, dealing in part with energy efficient lighting issues.

Presentations from the project event (15.3.2013) available

24. 03. 2013

On March 15th, 2013, the Come On Labels project has organised its final event (project ends in May 2013), where the project activities and deliverables have been presented. The event was folled by a round table discussion of representatives of all types of stakeholders working in the field of product energy labelling. Find HERE the speakers´ presentations and more information about the event.

Project´s national final event to take place in Spain

22. 03. 2013

On April 16., 2013, the project´s Spanish final event will take place in Madrid. Find below invitation in Spanish language: Jornada sobre "El nuevo Etiquetado de Electrodomésticos, Televisores y...

Come On Labels project final event in Croatia

12. 03. 2013

On March 4th, 2013, the projects final eventtook place in Zadar, Croatia. The event included presentations from the Croatial Come On Labels project representatives, the Zadar City Mayor, Croatian UNDP programme representatives, the Ministry of Economy and the Fund for environmental protection and energy efficiency. Find further information, programme and the presentation (in Croatian) HERE.

Come On Labels newsletter March 2013

04. 03. 2013

Please, find HERE the fifth edition of the Come On Labels newsletter. This edition highlights two documents, elaborated by the Italian project partner, ENEA, focusing on product testing for energy labelling compliance verification. One of the documents summarises available information about product tests undertaken, and the second one highlights some trends and observations made concerning the product compliance testing. Interested to learn more? The project organisers would also like to invite you to its final event, organised on March 15., 2013 in Brussels!

Articles on new energy labels published in Spain

03. 03. 2013

New articles explaining and promoting the new energy labels have been published recently in Spain by the project partner ESCAN. Find the articles (in Spanish) HERE.

New energy labels and the Come On Labels project explained to Croatian readers

28. 02. 2013

The meaining of the new energy labels and project achievements have been introduced to the Vecernji list readers in Croatia, which has over 250 thousand readers. Find the link to the article in Croatian language here:

Appliance Testing - National activities related to information exchange on market surveillance actions & results

26. 02. 2013

One of the activities organised within the Come On Labels project was the collection of examples of international cooperation related to product surveilance testing. Enclosed HERE find a document, focusing on examples of European and international exchange of experience and information related to product testing. Examples include regional sharing of test results, authority testing in a foreign laboratory, or a description of a set of information shared within European projects focused on product testing.

Appliance testing - Summary list 3

25. 02. 2013

One of the on-going activities of the Come On Labels project has been the collection and evaluation of product compliance tests. Three updates of the document have been issued within the project, find HERE the third edition, containing test samples from the UK, Sweden, Netherlands, Spain, etc., and  summarising the planned test activities of a range of European projects.

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