The EcoGator app equips shoppers with independent shopping advice via their Android and iOS...
SEVEn and SoWatt have elaborated a report summarising the European experience, challenges and...
The summary of activities, findings, and main achievements of the Come On Labels project have...


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Come On Labels event in Italy

24. 02. 2013

The project final event in Italy took place on February 20, 2013, in cooperation with project SHEEP, also co-financed from the Intelligent Energy Europe programme. Find more information about the event, and the presentation, here (in Italian).

National event for the promotion of energy labeling in Greece

23. 02. 2013

In the presence of a large number of manufacturers, suppliers and retailers, the Greek partner CRES presented the new energy labels during annual event of SVEIS (national association of CECED), which took place on the 11th of February 2013 at the Grande Bretagne Hotel, Athens. Find more details here.

New poster on new energy labels in Greece

22. 02. 2013

Greek partner has published a poster (in Greek) on the new energy labels, aiming to inform consumers in Greece. Find the poster here.

New energy labels explained on Croatian national radio

21. 02. 2013

In a 20 minutes long interview, the Come On Labels project partner in Croatia has explained the new EU energy labels and gave advice to consumers on how to use them when making their purchasing decisions. The interview took place on February 4, 2013 and is available for download here (zipped MP3).

Energy labels explained to retailers at the national project event in Belgium

20. 02. 2013

The Belgian project partner, Le Centre Urbain, has organised a project seminar, targeted mainly to retailers, explaining the proper usage and display of new energy labels at the poins of sales. See the event programme and presentations here.

Energy labels presented in Greece

20. 02. 2013

On the 18th of February 2013, the Greek partner CRES presented the new energy labels during the Forum on Energy and Energy Efficiency organized by the municipality of Likovrisi-Pefki (Attica, Greece). More info here.

Come On Labels newsletter February 2013

19. 02. 2013

The Come On Labels project is entering the final four months of its existence. The latest activities include shop visits for label presence monitoring, collection and evaluation of surveilance product tests, publishing summary infomration on new energy labelling of tumble driers. Find out HERE more about these activities as described in the project newsletter.

New legislation on energy labelling for vacuum cleaners under preparation

18. 02. 2013

One of the product groups, for which new energy labelling is being prepared, are the vacuum cleaners. If interested in more information, background document from the EC, and proposals from the industry and NGOs, find all relevant documents HERE. More information and history of labelling and ecodesign preparation for vacuum cleaners HERE.

Energy labels in shops - how often do we see them?

13. 02. 2013

One of the very visible outcomes of the Come On Labels project is the personal visit of hundreds of shops around Europe, monitoring the proper presence of energy labels on products. Enclosed HERE is a report, summarising the results of shop visits from 13 European countries, coveringin total 330 shops, undertaken in second half of 2012. Find out more on the situation related to the proper display of energy labels per product type and per shop type, the presence of new energy labels, and description of situation by each individual country.

New energy label legislation for tumble driers explained

12. 02. 2013

Household tumble driers are one of the product categories, which start to be marked by the new energy labels. Find the Come On Labels´ project document, explaining the requirements of the labelling and ecodesign legislation, responsibilities of stakeholders, as well as the content of the new energy label. Find the document in English HERE and in Spanish HERE.

Seminars undertaken in Italy

11. 02. 2013

The Italian manufacturer association,CECED Italia, in cooperation with ENEA, the national energy agency and the Come On Labels project partner, has conducted a series of seminars for the regional retailers, informing and educating them about the energy labeling provisions, content and requirements. Over 300 retailer representatives particaipted to the events, organised from November 2012 to January 2013 in Padova, Bologna, Bari, Firenze and Catania. More info HERE.

New energy labels explained on TV in Portugal

06. 02. 2013

The Portuguese TV channel TV-RTP1 has features a "Green Minute" programme, focusing on new energy labels and explaining how they can help consumers in selecting more energy efficient products. Find the link to the programme here:

New law on energy labelling entering force in Poland

31. 01. 2013

On February 2013, the Polish law regulating energy labelling of products is entering force. This law has been adapted in Poland as a consequence of the European Regulation 2010/30/EU, and the full text in Polish language can be found here.

Retailer and consumer survey on energy label in Portugal

18. 01. 2013

To understand the visibility and credibility of consumers and shop assistants towards energy labelling a small-scale survey was undertaken in the city of Portalegre (Northern Alentejo), Portugal. The results are available in Portuguese and English.

New energy label promotional activities in Portugal

17. 01. 2013

Quercus, the Portuguese project partner, has organised a range of activities to promote the new energy labels to consumers around Portugal. Examples of such activities include information articles, elaboration and distribution of bookmarks and pocket guidebooks, and organisation of seminars and household advisory events. Find examples of the activities HERE.

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