Documentos do projecto

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TV programme, called Sociedade Civil in RTP2, broadcasted on August 1st, 2013, explained the new energy labels, focusing on the differences in layout between the old and new labels, financial savings between the energy classes, and the impact of ecodesing on the energy classes available on the market. All the dissemination materials prepared for the project and the link to the website were displayed. The link to the programme is: http://www.rtp.pt/play/p1043/e125352/sociedade-civil-viii

A new and updated edition of the pocket guidebook was printed in 500 copies. This publication explains the new and old energy labels, how to display the labels in shops, producers´ and retailers´ obligations, market surveillance authorities activities and possible penalties and the timetables for the new energy labels and ecodesign requirements implementation. The pocket guidebook is being delivered to shops, manufacturers, consumers' organizations, energy agencies and national authorities in Portugal.

The Portuguese project partner, Quercus, has produced an information material explaining the new energy labels designed for air-conditioning units. It is printed in 5000 pieces and circulated via retailers, suppliers, consumer information networks.

The Portuguese Radio channel Antena 1 has broadcasted the Quercus programme "One Minute for the Earth". This programme emphasises the importance of the energy labels in the selection of energy efficient appliances, the energy savings between the different energy classes and explains the range of energy classes now available on the market for the major appliances. To hear the programme click here.

The Portuguese TV channel TV-RTP1 has features a "Green Minute" programme, focusing on new energy labels and explaining how they can help consumers in selecting more energy efficient products. Find the link to the programme here: http://www.rtp.pt/play/p55/e103448/minuto-verde

Quercus, the Portuguese project partner, has organised a range of activities to promote the new energy labels to consumers around Portugal. Examples of such activities include information articles, elaboration and distribution of bookmarks and pocket guidebooks, and organisation of seminars and household advisory events.

The Portuguese project partner, Quercus, has promoted new energy labels to consumers and to shop assistants at "Sustainable Energy for All" event and at Leiria municipality appliance retailer. Find the programme enclosed and please contact the organisers to receive more information about the content of the events!

Quercus, the Portugeese project partner, has designed and exhibited a poster, focused on the explanation of the new energy labels. It was shown to the public the first time at the "Água & Energia Live Expo" Exhibition (Water & Energy Live Expo) which took place on the 22-25 March 2012 in Lisbon.

The Portugeese project partner participated in several radio and television programmes focused specifically on the explanation and promotion of energy labels to the general public and consumers. Download the broadcasts from the attached file.