The EcoGator app equips shoppers with independent shopping advice via their Android and iOS...
SEVEn and SoWatt have elaborated a report summarising the European experience, challenges and...
The summary of activities, findings, and main achievements of the Come On Labels project have...


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New energy label pocket book in Portuguese

28. 06. 2012

The pocket guidebook was printed in 1500 copies and delivered to shops (for the shop assistants), manufacturers, citizen advice bureaus, consumer organizations, energy regional agencies and national authorities.

Find the guidebook for download here.

Energy days in croatian municipalities

27. 06. 2012

On June 18 and 19, energy days exhibitions have been organised in two municipalities in Croatia, where the Come On Labels project participated and presented the energy labelling information and materials.

Find out more about the events here.

Energy labels in shops - how often do we really see them?

25. 06. 2012

Summary of the results of the shop visits, undertaken by the Come On Labels project consortium is available in the News at SEVEn magazine, produced by the project coordinator.

Find out more about it in English or in Czech edition of the newsletter and here in German.

Come On Labels Newsletter n. 3

21. 06. 2012

Please, find HERE the third Come On Labels project´s newsletter, issued in June 2012.

It highlights some of the recent may project activities, mainly

  • the development of the retailer training manual in 11 languages, and
  • document comparing the energy efficiency requirements issued by the labelling and ecodesign legislations to the same product groups.

Feel free to submit your email if you would like to receive the project news on a regular basis.


Find the Portuguese version of the Newsletter here.

Comparison between energy label and ecodesign requirements

21. 06. 2012

The energy labelling legislation requires certain products to bear energy labels at their points of sales. The energy labels usually have seven energy classes. At the same time, however, some of the same produc types are also affected by the ecodesign legislation, which prohibits the market entry of product below certain energy efficiency class.

Find enclosed here the document, which summarises the list of energy label classesfor individual product groups, available on the energy labels, but not allowed by ecodesign.

New leaflet on new energy labels in Greece

11. 06. 2012

The Greek partner has published a leaflet on the new energy labels, aiming to inform consumers in Greece.

Find the leaflet here in Greek.


Municipality training in Latvia

11. 06. 2012

On June 7th 2012, the ComeOnLabels project manager in Latvia, Julija Bulgakova, gave a training on the EU energy  labelling for the Roja municipality employees.

10 people working in the municipality and municipal institution  attended a 3 hour training that included topics on history of labelling, it's value for buyers, and importance for environment.

Find picture from the training here.

Exhibition on new energy labels in Croatia

04. 06. 2012


The Croatian project partner, ELMA, has organised an exhibition stand during the Zagreb Energy Week in May 2012, where the information about the new energy labels has been disseminated to the Zagreb inhabitants.

Find out more about the activity here.

Retailer treaining manual in the Czech language published

01. 06. 2012

The Czech organiser of the Come On Labels project, in cooperation with the CECED CZ, has printed the project´s retailer training manual which will be circulated to shop assistants.

Find the material here, in Czech language.

News energy labels explained to kindergarten children in Zagreb

01. 06. 2012

The children in one of the Zagreb´s kindergartens have participated to an event explaining the content of the new energy labels, in an interactive way.

Find out more about the event here.

New leaflet on new energy labels in Croatia

01. 06. 2012

The Croatian partner has published a new edition of its leaflet explaining the new energy labels to consumers in Croatia.

Find the leaflet here in Croatian.

Energy label posters in Croatia

01. 06. 2012

The Croatian project partner has prepared posters explaining the new energy labels. Posters are used at exhibitions, seminars, and events, targeting the final consumers.

Find one poster (in Croatian) here, the rest is available upon request (due to upload size limitations).

Articles from Spain on new energy labels

01. 06. 2012

Find HERE articles published recently within the Come On Labels project in Spain on the topic of new energy labels, focusing on the explanation of energy labels to retailers and consumers.

Articles on new energy labelling in Austria

28. 05. 2012

On the website of the Austrian broadcasting service - - an article about energy efficient household appliances and the new EU-label was published. The article is available for download here.

The BEWAG (energy utility of Burgenland) has published an article in their member magazine about "Saving energy and money with efficient appliances and the new energy labels". The article is available for download here.

Or, you can downlad both articles here.

New energy label presented on energy week in Zagreb

28. 05. 2012

The Croatian project partner presented the new energy labels, their content and proper display during a presentation held within the Zagreb energy week in the municipal city office on 17.5.2012.

Find the presentation in Croatian language here.

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