The EcoGator app equips shoppers with independent shopping advice via their Android and iOS...
SEVEn and SoWatt have elaborated a report summarising the European experience, challenges and...
The summary of activities, findings, and main achievements of the Come On Labels project have...


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ENEA - JRC School Day in Italy

24. 05. 2012

The Italian project partner organised a School Day on May 14., 2012, where energy labelling issues have been presented to students from three schools.

Find the programme and presentation here (in Italian).

Air-Conditioning legislation on energy labelling and ecodesign avilable in Spanish

24. 05. 2012

Find out more about the energy labelling and ecodesign legislation relating to the air-conditioning units in Spanish language here.

Article on energy efficient electric household appliances - Greece

18. 05. 2012

The Athens News Agency-Macedonian News Agency has published an electronic article on energy efficient electric household appliances with reference to the new energy label and the "Come On Labels" project.


You can download the articles at, and

National newsletters on Come On Labels Project

18. 05. 2012

Two National Newsletters on the Come on Labels (Greek and Portuguese) project have been published and distributed to stakeholders.


The Greek version of the Newsletter (first and second editions) can be downloaded here.

The Portuguese version of the Newsletter is available here.

New energy label explanation on Latvian national television

18. 05. 2012

Ekodoma project manager Julia Bulgakova was invited to inform audience of Tehnovizija program of Latvian National Television on EU energy efficiency labels, recent changes and on what the energy labels are about from consumer perspective when buying an appliance for the household.


Ekodoma provided information on historical development on the EU energy labels, showed differences between official EU labels and marketing stickers that are often found on the appliances, as well as explained the meaning of the pictograms on the official new energy labels.


The program was shown on March, 25th, and repeated later. View it in Latvian here.

Come On Labels retailer training manual used in Turkey

15. 05. 2012

Parts of the Come on Labels project´s retailer training are being used in Turkey, within a project designed to help to train the Turkish field inspectors who have the responsibility for shop inspections of the energy label in Turkey.

See relevant part of the document here.

Come On Labels retailer training manual used in Romania

15. 05. 2012

The Romanian Euro Topten MAX project partner Icemenerg has taken over parts of the Come On Labels retailer training manual and used it for their own educational activities in shops in Romania.

Find the presentation document in Romanian language here (1MB).

Promotion of energy labelling in Spain

14. 05. 2012

The Spanish project partner, Escan, has published several articles related to the energy labelling, both for the general public and experts. It has also developed the Spanish version of a retailer training manual, focusing on educating the shop assistants on proper display and usage of the energy labels. It has also prepared a document on the new EU legislation on energy labelling of the air-conditioning units.

Find the documents HERE and ask the project organisers for more information!

New retailer training manual on energy label display available in 13 national modifications

10. 05. 2012

The Retailer training manual has been prepared by the Come On Labels project.

Tha manual for retailers and shop assistants informs about the main features of the new energy label and requirements on energy label display (why and how to  display the energy labels correctly).

You can download the manual in English as well as other CoL project languages here.

New article on the energy labels in the UK

10. 05. 2012

Severn Wye Energy Agency contacted the National Secretary of the Carbon Action Network regarding the Come on Labels project. CAN were keen to promote the project to their members across the UK - mainly energy efficiency assessors; local authorities; housing associations; and environmental NGOs - this was achieved through an email update on the project to all its 800+ members and an article in the Winter 2012 edition of Carbon Action News.

The magazine can be downloaded from this link and the article is on pages 9-10. You can also find the article here.

Italian TV on the new energy labels

10. 05. 2012

A video on the new energy labels for refrigerators has been broadcasted within an Italian TV programme "Le Iene" (The hyenas), a satiric programme that reports to the general public social and...

Second Come On Labels Newsletter

02. 05. 2012

The Come On Labels project has circulated the second project Newsletter.

It contains information on shop visits, product testing or early appliance replacement and much more!

You can download the Newsletter here.

Training to students in Sesto Calende, Italy

24. 04. 2012

Energy label related training was presented to students of the Technical institute ISIS C.A. Dalla Chiesa  in Sesto Calende (VA). 5 classrooms (about 100 students) have been involved in a information campaign on the use of  household appliances in particular cold appliances and washing machines.


ENEA scope was to improve the knowledge of energy labels as a tool to select efficient products and to reduce energy costs of appliances in residential sector.


Find the presentation here.

Better and early product replacement - how to do it?

23. 04. 2012

Replacing products with new ones, which are more energy efficiency and before the end of their lifetime, is one of the topics often discussed among the energy efficiency measures and policies.

The Come On Labels project, and its partner ÖkoInstitute Germany, have prepared a detailed overview of mechanisms, policies, financial support tools, and their evaluations.

Find the document here in English, German, Polish, and Italian.

Results of the first set of national shop visits

23. 04. 2012

First set of shop visits was undertaken by partners of the Come On Labels project. In this first round of visits, the partners visited total of 290 shops in 13 countries to check proper appliance labelling in the shops.


You can find the summary of the results here.


Do not hesitate to ask the project organisers for more information about the shop visits, pictures, and specific advice produced within the retailer training and dissemination activities organized within the project.

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