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The summary of activities, findings, and main achievements of the Come On Labels project have been presented at the EEDAL 2013 conference (www.eedal-2013.eu) in Coimbra, Portugal, 9/2013.
The EU energy labelling experience, including Come On Labels research on label display in shops, product testing, and market surveillance, has been presented on a conference: Labelling Programs for Energy Efficiency in Latin America and the Caribbean: Experiences and Best Practices Petrópolis, Brazil, July, 10 - 11, 2013.
The Portuguese project partner, Quercus, has participated in 25 events all over the country, attended by 1550 participants (general public, students and teachers). The Come On Labels project was presented to the audience focusing on the new energy labels and their importance for energy efficiency from the consumers’ point of view. Energy label promotional materials were disseminated among the participants.
Find the information about the project´s final event organised in Latvia. In case of your interest for more information or to obtain the presentations in Latvian language, please, contact the project organisers.
The German project partner has organised a retailer training, where representatives of a retailer chain received detailed information about the new energy labels and discussed the recent developments in energy labelling and its proper dispaly at the points of sales. Find the presentation in German language.
On May 4th, 2013, the Italian partner ENEA, in cooperation with the JRC in Ispra, organised an Open Day, where also the energy labels were introduced and explained to the event participants.
The Come On Labels Training in a vocational schools took place on 23rd of April 2013, in Hartberg (Styria, Austria). It was organized as a part of the “Energy Saving Master” training in vocational schools, in cooperation
with topprodukte.at (programme of the Austrian climate protection initiative klima:aktiv, from the Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management).
On APril 25, 2013, Severn Wye Energy Agency (the UK Come On Labels partner) held a joint event with the Welsh branch of Trading Standards (the UK Market Surveillance Authority for retailers). Under the Come On Labels project SWEA sponsored the AGM (Annual General Meeting) and presented both the outcomes of the project and tailored advice/training for Trading Standards Officers.
The Come On Labels National Event took place on 16th April in Madrid. Under the title “The new energy labeling of appliances, televisions and air conditioning”, a Conference for retailers, manufacturers, consumer associations, consumers and suppliers had been organized in cooperation with the Institute for Energy Diversification and Saving (IDAE). The Event was attended by more than 60 people.
Jornada sobre "El nuevo Etiquetado de Electrodomésticos, Televisores y Equipos de Aire Acondicionado". Las Asociaciones del sector expondrán las últimas novedades y legislación en el Instituto para la Diversificación y Ahorro de la Energía (IDAE) - Ministerio de Industria, Energía y Turismo (MINETUR) - ESCAN
El próximo día 16 de abril, el Instituto para la Diversificación y Ahorro de la Energía (IDAE) organiza esta Jornada en colaboración con Escan. Esta Jornada se lleva a cabo en el marco del proyecto europeo Come On Labels, cofinanciado por el Programa Energía Inteligente para Europa, liderado en España por Escan. El objetivo del proyecto es promover el nuevo etiquetado energético. La Jornada va dirigida principalmente a las instituciones, empresas, fabricantes, distribuidores, comercios y consumidores que participan en el proceso del etiquetado energético de electrodomésticos. aire acondicionado y televisores. Si desea ampliar información, puede contactar con nosotros enviando un correo electrónico a escan@escansa.com.
La Jornada no lleva coste de inscripción. Si desea inscribirse a la jornada rogamos se registre en el siguiente link:

The Come On Labels National Event in Germany took place on Tuesday, April 9, in Hannover. Under the title “Transparency in the appliance jungle – provided by the new EU energy label?”, a seminar for energy counselors, retailers, and installers had been organized in cooperation with proKlima enercity Fund. The seminar was attended by about 25 people. Dr. Corinna Fischer, of the German Come On Labels partner Öko-Institut e.V., gave a presentation highlighting the characteristics of the new label, results of the shop visits, and reactions of consumers and markets to the new label. The presentation was very well received and led to lively discussions. The second presentation was given by Michael Danner, Kommunikation für Mensch und Umwelt, who presented a pilot project with retailers providing Point-of-Sale information to appliance buyers, in which Come On Labels materials had been used, too.
On 4th of April the project team of AEA have met representatives of the Austrian market surveillance authority from the Austrian Federal Ministry of Economy, Family and Youth. Additionally the highest responsible person from the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber, branch commerce, has attended this meeting. AEA has given an introduction into the ComeOnLabel project and its outcomes and the results of the shop visits have been presented in detail. Afterwards the stakeholder have given feedback and opportunities for improvements in Austria have been discussed . As a positive consequence of this dialogue a joint information campaign has been agreed between AEA and the Economic Chamber.
On March 15th, 2013, the Come On Labels project has organised its final event (project ends in May 2013), where the project activities and deliverables have been presented. The event was folled by a round table discussion of representatives of all types of stakeholders working in the field of product energy labelling. Find the speakers´ presentations and more information about the event below.
The Portuguese partner, Quercus, presented the Come On Labels project and its main outcomes in the GfK 17th annual conference held in Lisbon on the 12th of March 2013. The conference was attended by a large number of manufacturers, suppliers, distributors and retailers.
On March 4th, 2013, the projects final eventtook place in Zadar, Croatia. The event included presentations from the Croatial Come On Labels project representatives, the Zadar City Mayor, Croatian UNDP programme representatives, the Ministry of Economy and the Fund for environmental protection and energy efficiency. Find further information, programme and the presentation (in Croatian).
On the 18th of February 2013, the Greek partner CRES presented the new energy labels during the Forum on Energy and Energy Efficiency organized by the municipality of Likovrisi-Pefki (Attica, Greece).
The Italian manufacturer association, CECED Italia, in cooperation with ENEA, the national energy agency and the Come On Labels project partner, has conducted a series of seminars for the regional retailers, informing and educating them about the energy labeling provisions, content and requirements. Over 300 retailer representatives particaipted to the events, organised from November 2012 to January 2013 in Padova, Bologna, Bari, Firenze and Catania.
In the presence of a large number of manufacturers, suppliers and retailers, the Greek partner CRES presented the new energy labels during annual event of SVEIS (national association of CECED), which took place on the 11th of February 2013 at the Grande Bretagne Hotel, Athens.
ENEA, the Italian project partner, co-organised the project event with the Italian office of CECED on December 12, 2012. The results of the shop visits have been one of the main discussion points.
On March 22.3.2012, SEVEn has delivered a presentation on new energy labels to the visitors of the Amper exhibition and Energy for the Future conferece. Find the presentation and further information (in Czech language) attached.
A specialised seminar on energy labelling took place in Corinthia Palace Hotel & Spa, Balzan, Malta on March 6, 2012. You can download the programme and presentations in attachment.
On the 10th November 2011 the Come On Labels project was presented in the \\\"Technical seminar on Energy Efficiency in enterprises and energy costs reduction\\\" organised under the ZeroCO2 Climate Caravan that traveled throughout Europe: Portugal, Spain, Italy and Greece.
Dne 26.10.2011 se v Centru Energetického poradenství PRE uskutečnla tisková konference, na které byly představeny změny týkající se nového energetického štítkování domácích spotřebičů a zároveň byla zahájena spotřebitelskásoutěž o úsporné spotřebiče.
In Belgium, ABEA organised a public seminar in order to inform consumers about the introduction of the new energy labels on selected types of products.
The document attached contains the information about the seminar and the presentations made. Presentations in French and Flemish are available upon request.
A presentation on energy labelling and ecodesign aspects of energy using products, including heating equipment, has been delivered to members of the German Association of Municipal Utilities Supporting Sustainable Resource Management.