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The Spanish version of the evaluation of the market surveillance activities contains a summary of the surveillance activities in the 13 EU consortium countries, and the detailed information related to the situation in Spain.

Algunas secadoras ya muestran las nuevas etiquetas energéticas en las secadoras. El Reglamento Europeo 392/2012 establece que la secadoras que entren en el mercado a partir de septiembre 2013 deberán tener la nueva etiqueta energética. A continuación se puede descargar el documento elaborado por los socios del Come On Lables, siendo Escan responsable en España.

During August till October 2012 more than thirty shops have been visited in Spain and 7800 appliances with the energy labels were checked by the Come On Labels project representative. The improvement of the status in the sector is relevant because now 74% of the appliances were correctly labeled.

El proyecto ha analizado las novedades del proceso de nuevo etiquetado de aparatos de aire acondicionado. Se puede descargar de manera gratuita el informe sobre la normativa de este tema.

The Spanish project partner, Escan, has published several articles related to the energy labelling, both for the general public and experts. It has also developed the Spanish version of a retailer training manual, focusing on educating the shop assistants on proper display and usage of the energy labels, and prepared a document on the new EU legislation on energy labelling of the air-conditioning units.
Ask the project organizers for more information!

Enclosed are examples of articles, focusing on the new energy labels, published in late 2011 in Spain within the Come On Labels project. The articles are targeted on general public, consumers interested in consumer rights, and on appliance retailers. (3.6 MB)

Entre las actividades del proyecto que se desarrollan en España destaca la difusión de algunos materiales. Este es el díptico elaborado por Escan en el que se analizan los cambios del Nuevo Etiquetado Energético de los siguientes electrodomésticos: lavadoras, lavavajillas, frigoríficos, congeladores y televisiones.