The EcoGator app equips shoppers with independent shopping advice via their Android and iOS...
SEVEn and SoWatt have elaborated a report summarising the European experience, challenges and...
The summary of activities, findings, and main achievements of the Come On Labels project have...


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Latvian radio broadcast on new energy labels

21. 12. 2011

The latvian radio station Radio 1 broadcasted on December 16., 2011 a report on new energy labels, taken in a newly opened appliance shop, where the meaning of the energy labels, importance of energy efficient products, instructions for making consumers' own selection criteria at the time of purchaing products etc. was explained to the general public.

Listen to the broadcast HERE (in Latvian, 10 MB).


New energy labels - Greece

21. 12. 2011

The Greek project partner CRES has published an article on the new energy labels for household appliances and the “Come On Labels” project on the online research tool The article (in greek) can be viewed online here:,cntnt01,detail,0&cntnt01articleid=23&cntnt01returnid=95 or HERE. (pdf).

It has also published an article introducing the new energy labels for household appliances and the “Come On Labels” project on the homepage of the Greek Consumers Centre (ELKEKA). Additionally, the article has been sent via email to all registered members of ELKEKA.

The article (in greek) can be viewed online here: or HERE (jpg).

Article on new energy label by PRE

16. 12. 2011

The Prague energy utility has published an article on the new energy labels in a "Bydlet v panelu" magazine (Living in prefab appartment), which results from the Come On Labels introduction of new labels provided by SEVEn.

Read the article (in Czech) HERE.

New label in Germany

15. 12. 2011

The German partner Öko Institute has published an article about the new energy labels and the Come On Labels project in the Newsletter of the Working Group for Energy and Water Savings (ASEW), which is published by the German Association of Local Energy Providers (VKU).

The article presents the project with a focus on how it can help local energy utilities with consumer information on the label. Find the article (in German) HERE.


12. 12. 2011

The Portuguese partner of the Come On Labels project, Quercus, has published four types of bookmarks, which introduce and explain the essentials of the content of the new energy labels for each of the product types with the new label design and content.

Download the bookmarks HERE. They are distributed in Portugal in shops, through seminars, exhibitions, etc.

Presentation by Ekodoma, Latvia

12. 12. 2011

The Latvian partner Ekodoma presented the latest news on energy labelling during a seminar "Harmful Emissions from the use of Energy. Environmental risks", organised on November 24., 2011 in Riga, Latvia.

See the event description and presentation HERE.

New Energy label leaflet in the UK

28. 11. 2011

In November 2011, Severn Wye Energy Agency developed a leaflet that explains the new energy label to consumers and householders. The leaflet has received praise from organisations such as Defra and the Energy Saving Trust. It will be distributed to a variety of sources in order to reach as many households as possible, from retailer shops and events through to housing associations and direct delivery to thousands of homes.

The leaflet can be downloaded here.

Presentation to consumer associations in Spain

31. 10. 2011

On 29.September 2011, the Spanish Come On Labels project partner, ESCAN, organised a presentation about the new energy labels to members of a ergional consumer association. See enclosed document for more information.


Come on Labels in Croatia

31. 10. 2011

The Croatian partner of the Come On Labels project has published an article on the new energy labels on the Metro Portal, focused on appliance importers and retailers. Article is available in two parts (I and II), or can be viewed here.


Seminar in Belgium

31. 10. 2011

In Belgium, the ABEA partner has organised a public seminar in order to inform consumers about the introduction of the new energy labels on selected types of products.

The document attached contains the information about the seminar and the presentations made.

Energy Labels in Czech TV

24. 10. 2011

On 7th October, the Come On Labels project coordinator, Juraj Krivosik from SEVEn was interviewed for a Czech Television reportage on the new energy labels for televisions and other appliances.



The reportage can be viewed at the webpage of the Czech TV.



Energy labelling press conference

11. 10. 2011

On 26th October 2011, SEVEn organizes a seminar on new energy labelling, at which the new features of the energy labelling legislation will be presented.

The event is connected with a launch of consumer competition, in which the participants will guess difference between energy consumption of an old and new refrigerator.

More information (in Czech) can be found here. The press article published together with the conference can be downloaded here (in Czech).


New energy label in Spain

03. 10. 2011

In September 2011, ESCAN S.A, partner of the Come On Labels project in Spain, has published energy labelling related articles.


See examples of the articles here.


New labels in Quercus journal

26. 09. 2011

The Portuguese partner Quercus published an articles in its own journal introducing the new energy labels to the thousands of its readers.


See the article (in Portuguese) here.

CoL in METRO daily paper in Portugal

19. 09. 2011

On September 5th, 2011, the Portuguese partner of the Come On Labels project, Quercus, published an article about the Come On Labels project and about the new energy labels for products and appliances. See the article (in Portuguese) here.

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