Examples of national energy labelling promotion activities
This section contains a list of promotional activities organised by the project partners. Please, find the documents (regularly updated during the period of 2011 - 2013) available for download, including a brief description of external partners involved and the scope of activity undertaken.
We hope the set of promotional activities (in national languages) will be a good inspiration to others in undertaking other similar actions. Please contact the project co-ordinator or national partners if you would like to obtain more information about activities undertaken or if you would like to get engaged in some of them!
front page
Title of the document
Short note on content
date |
Come On Labels project promoted on Portuguese television
TV programme, called Sociedade Civil in RTP2, broadcasted on August 1st, 2013, explained the new energy labels, focusing on the differences in layout between the old and new labels, financial savings between the energy classes, and the impact of ecodesing on the energy classes available on the market. All the dissemination materials prepared for the project and the link to the website were displayed. The link to the programme is: http://www.rtp.pt/play/p1043/e125352/sociedade-civil-viii
Come On Labels project features in IEE MAG n.6
The Come On Labels project has been listed, together with other project related to product efficiency and market surveillance, in the Intelligent Energy Europe´s magazine.
New edition of a leaflet on new energy labels in Poland
The Polish project partner has prepared a new edition of a leaflet explaing the new energy labels, distributed in retailer stores and with municipalities.
New energy labels explained in a leaflet circulated with ASEW in Germany
Öko Institute
The project partner in GErmany, Öko Institute, had delevoped a leaflet explaining new energy labels to the consumers, which is circulated to the clients of energy utilities, which are a member of ASEW - The German Association of Municipal Utilities Supporting Sustainable Resource Management.
New Austrian leaflet on new energy labels
Some 100 thousand pieces of new leaflets have been printed by the project in Austria, circulated to shops and other points of sales.
Energy labels promoted in a movie
Find a language neutral flash movie informing consumers about the energy labels and energy efficiency classes available for different product types. You can see the video in the Internet Explorer browser.
Articles on new energy labels in Portuguese
Series of articles containing information about the new energy labels has been published recently in Portugal, both in online newsservers, and broadcasted on Portuguese television channel.
New energy labels on air-conditioners and other products explained in Malta
New energy labels, as used for air-conditioning units and other product groups, such as TVs, are explained in new materials produced in English by a project partner in Malta - in the format of poster and bookmarks.
New energy label information materials circulated widely around Greece
The information materials that were produced within the Come On Labels project in Greece (e.g. posters and leaflets) were distributed in 89 municipalities across Greece. The material was displayed in municipal premises, so that both consumers and municipal employees could be informed about the new energy labels of electric household appliances. Municipalities of different size and geographical position were selected, so that an important number of citizens across the country could be reached.
Series of articles on energy labelling published in Spain
News and information about the Come On Labels´National Event, third shop visits and the National Report of the situation of the new energy labels have been published recently in Spain by the project partner ESCAN.
New energy label guidebook in Portugal - 2nd edition
A new and updated edition of the pocket guidebook was printed in 500 copies. This publication explains the new and old energy labels, how to display the labels in shops, producers´ and retailers´ obligations, market surveillance authorities activities and possible penalties and the timetables for the new energy labels and ecodesign requirements implementation. The pocket guidebook is being delivered to shops, manufacturers, consumers' organizations, energy agencies and national authorities in Portugal.
New energy labels explained in Latvia
Find a leaflet explaining the new energy labels to consumers in Latvian language, elaborated by Ekodoma, the Latvian project partner.
Energy labels presented in Greece
On the 17th of April 2013, the Greek partner CRES presented the new energy labels during the Forum on Energy and Energy Efficiency organized by the municipality of Aspropirgos (Attica, Greece).
New energy labels explained for consumers in Belgium
Leaflets in French and Dutch about the new energy labels for refrigerators, washing machines, dishwashers and TVs have been produced by the Belgian project partner and disseminated within its consumer education activities.
New energy labels explained in Italian language
Italian project partner, ENEA, has prepared a brochure, explaining the new enegry labels to consumers.
Leaflets and posters on new energy labels and their proper display in the UK
The UK partner of the Come On Labels project has produced new leaflets and posters, informing the consumers, retailers and suppliers on the proper display and usage of energy labels.
New brochures explaing energy labels made for Czech and Slovak consumers
The project partner for the Czech Republic and Slovakia, SEVEn, has cooperated with DATART, retailer chain active in both countries, in preparing and publishing a brochure specifically explaining energy labels for all respective product categories. Brochures, available both in Czech and Slovak language, explain the content of the labels and give advice for choosing energy efficient appliances.
Green minute on new energy labels broadcasted in Portugal
The Portuguese Radio channel Antena 1 has broadcasted the Quercus programme "One Minute for the Earth". This programme emphasises the importance of the energy labels in the selection of energy efficient appliances, the energy savings between the different energy classes and explains the range of energy classes now available on the market for the major appliances. To hear the programme click here.
Information material about new energy label for air-conditioners in Portuguese
The Portuguese project partner, Quercus, has produced an information material explaining the new energy labels designed for air-conditioning units. It is printed in 5000 pieces and circulated via retailers, suppliers, consumer information networks.
Series of workshops and seminars organised in Portugal
Since the bengiining of 2013, series of 17 seminars for consumers and students, with over 1300 participants in total, have been organised in Portugal.
Press release about bookmarks in Latvia
Almost in all libraries in Latvia have received project´s bookmarks about new energy labels to circulate to their members and readers. See attached the press release in Latvian to find out more.
Articles on new energy labels published in Spain
New articles explaining and promoting the new energy labels have been published recently in Spain by the project partner ESCAN.
New energy labels and the Come On Labels project explained to Croatian readers
New poster on new energy labels in Greece
Greek partner has published a poster (in Greek) on the new energy labels, aiming to inform consumers in Greece.
New energy labels explained on Croatian national radio
In a 20 minutes long interview, the Come On Labels project partner in Croatia has explained the new EU energy labels and gave advice to consumers on how to use them when making their purchasing decisions. The interview took place on February 4, 2013. The file is zipped MP3.
Energy labels presented in Greece
On the 18th of February 2013, the Greek partner CRES presented the new energy labels during the Forum on Energy and Energy Efficiency organized by the municipality of Likovrisi-Pefki (Attica, Greece).
New energy labels explained on TV in Portugal
The Portuguese TV channel TV-RTP1 has features a "Green Minute" programme, focusing on new energy labels and explaining how they can help consumers in selecting more energy efficient products. Find the link to the programme here: http://www.rtp.pt/play/p55/e103448/minuto-verde
New energy label promotional activities in Portugal
Quercus, the Portuguese project partner, has organised a range of activities to promote the new energy labels to consumers around Portugal. Examples of such activities include information articles, elaboration and distribution of bookmarks and pocket guidebooks, and organisation of seminars and household advisory events.
Spanish articles on project's shop visits
Several articles have been published in Spain describing the project's visits to shops and their findings in terms of the proper presence of energy labels.
Article on new energy labels for Air conditioners in Italian
An article on new energy labels has been published in Trade Bianco, Italian expert magazine on products and appliances.
New energy label bookmarks in 800 libraries in Latvia
The Latvian Come On Labels project partner, Ekodoma, has issued four types of bookmarks that cover the basic information about the new labels, printed in 40000 pieces.
Presentations about energy labels in Tukums and Jelgava
The Latvian project partner, Ekodoma, has organised two seminars in December 2012 for families committed to undertake practical steps to save energy in their households.
Nine type of leaflets on energy labels published in Germany
Nine type of consumer oriented leaflets with advice on selection and service of products with energy labels.
Retailer training seminars organised in Italy
The Italian project partner, ENEA, is working with CECED Italia and the national retailer Association to educate retailers about the proper display of energy labels at the points of sale. First two seminars have taken place in November 2012 in Padova and Bologna, attended by 90 and 50 participants, respectively.
Come On Labels retailer training in Malta
Projects in Motion Ltd.
The Maltese project partner in collaboration with the Malta Competition and Consumer Affairs Authority organised a retailer training at APLAN appliances, The Atrium".
Articles on shop visits in the Czech Republic
Four articles on the results of second round of shop visits in the Czech Republic have been published in November 2012.
Come On Labels information leaflets distributed around Croatia
Summary information on the dissemination of project leaflets around information offices in a number of Croatian municipalities.
How consumers can use the energy label as a tool to select more economic and energy efficient electric household appliances
The Consumers Union Quality of Life has published an electronic article on the use of the energy label to help consumers select more economic and energy efficient appliances.
Energy labels in GreenSchool
On 18th October 2012, ENEA presented energy labels on a seminar organized under GreenSchool project in Laveno Mombello.
ESCAN has finished the second round of shop visits to check the energy labeling
During August till October 2012 more than thirty shops have been visited in Spain and 7800 appliances with the energy labels were checked by the Come On Labels project representative. The improvement of the status in the sector is relevant because now 74% of the appliances were correctly labeled.
Retailer training manual in Croatian language distributed
The Croatian project partner, ELMA, has adapted and printed the retailer training manual that was developed within the Come On Labels project. The manual is now being circulated to retailers, but also to other relevant stakeholders, such as product suppliers and national authorities, etc. (6,5 MB)
Come On Labels retailer training in Greece
The Greek project partner presented the retailer training manual for 7 employees of relevant departments (Quality Assurance Department, Department of Education, Marketing Department, Department of Supplies) of the Praktiker retailer.
New energy labels explained in regional press in Latvia
The new energy labels and their proper display in appliance shops have been explained to inhabitants of selected regions in Latvia, based on a promotional activity of the Come On Labels project partner in Latvia, Ekodoma.
Retailer training manual in Greek/Ενεργειακή σήμανση ηλεκτρικών οικιακών συσκευών
The Greek project partner, CRES, has printed the retailer training manual that was developed within the framework of the project. The manual will be circulated to retailers, but also to other relevant stakeholders.
Politique énergétique européenne. Les enjeux fondamentaux
Laurence Amand-Eeckhout
European Parliament Library Briefing on energy labels, using advice of the Belgian partner of the Come On Labels project and quoting the project as source of reference.
Long list of articles published summarising the project shop visits in Germany
Links to articles in German media, based on the press release, published by the German project partner, ÖkoInstitute, summarising the results of the first set of project shop visits, monitoring the proper presence of energy labels on products in shops.
Third edition of Portuguese Newsletter
The third edition of Portuguese Newsletter was published. It was sent to the portuguese stakeholders (national authorities, associations, citizen advice bureaus, energy agencies, retailers, manufacturers, shops, web portals).
Results of the shop visits in Austria published in a press release
The Austrian project partner, AEA, has published the results of the set of shop visits, undertaken to monitor the proper presence of energy labels on products, in a press release, which is summarising the findings of this activity.
The download contains the press release and articles published based on the press release.
New leaflet on energy label in Poland
The Polish partner of the Come On Labels project has published a leaflet on new energy labels for the general public.
Article in Polish magazine
The Polish partner of the Come On Labels project has published an article in the "European Funds" magazine (in Polish).
New energy label pocket book in Portuguese
The pocket guidebook was printed in 1500 copies and delivered to shops (for the shop assistants), manufacturers, citizen advice bureaus, consumer organizations, energy regional agencies and national authorities.
Energy label posters in Poland
The Polish partner of the Come On Labels project has recently published four types of posters introducing the new energy labels for each type of product (2,4 MB).
New energy label dissemination in Portugal
The Portuguese project partner, Quercus, has promoted new energy labels to consumers and to shop assistants at "Sustainable Energy for All" event and at Leiria municipality appliance retailer. Find the programme enclosed and please contact the organisers to receive more information about the content of the events!
Energy days in croatian municipalities
On June 18 and 19, energy days exhibitions have been organised in two municipalities in Croatia, where the Come On Labels project participated and presented the energy labelling information and materials.
Energy labels in shops - how often do we really see them?
Summary of the results of the shop visits, undertaken by the Come On Labels project consortium is available in the News at SEVEn magazine, produced by the project coordinator.
Find out more about it in English or in Czech edition of the newsletter.
Municipality training in Latvia
On June 7th 2012, the ComeOnLabels project manager in Latvia, Julija Bulgakova, gave a training on the EU energy labelling for the Roja municipality employees.
10 people working in the municipality and municipal institution attended a 3 hour training that included topics on history of labelling, it's value for buyers, and importance for environment.
New leaflet on new energy labels in Greece
Greek partner has published a leaflet (in Greek) on the new energy labels, aiming to inform consumers in Greece.
Exhibition on new energy labels in Croatia
The Croatian project partner, ELMA, has organised an exhibition stand during the Zagreb Energy Week in May 2012, where the information about the new energy labels has been disseminated to the Zagreb inhabitants.
Articles from Spain on new energy labels
Articles published recently within the Come On Labels project in Spain on the topic of new energy labels, focusing on the explanation of energy labels to retailers and consumers (6MB).
Energy label posters in Croatia
The Croatian project partner has prepared posters explaining the new energy labels. Posters are used at exhibitions, seminars, and events, targeting the final consumers. Find one poster (in Croatian) here, the rest available upon request.
New leaflet on new energy labels in Croatia
The Croatian partner has published a new edition of its leaflet (in Croatian) explaining the new energy labels to consumers in Croatia.
New energy labels explained to kindergarten children in Zagreb
The children in one of the Zagreb´s kindergartens have participated to an event explaining the content of the new energy labels, in an interactive way.
Retailer treaining manual in the Czech language published
The Czech organiser of the Come On Labels project, in cooperation with the CECED CZ, has printed the project´s retailer training manual which will be circulated to shop assistants
New energy label presented on energy week in Zagreb
The Croatian project partner presented the new energy labels, their content and proper display during a presentation held within the Zagreb energy week in the municipal city office on 17.5.2012.
Articles on new energy labelling in Austria
On the website of the Austrian broadcasting service - ORF.at - an article about energy efficient household appliances and the new EU-label was published. The article is available for download here.
The BEWAG (energy utility of Burgenland) has published an article in their member magazine about "Saving energy and money with efficient appliances and the new energy labels". The article is available for download here.
ENEA - JRC School Day in Italy
The Italian project partner organised a School Day on May 14., 2012, where energy labelling issues have been presented to students from three schools. (The programme and presentation for download in Italian)
New energy label explanation on Latvian national television
Ekodoma project manager Julia Bulgakova was invited to inform audience of Tehnovizija program of Latvian National Television on EU energy efficiency labels, recent changes and on what the energy labels are about from consumer perspective when buying an appliance for the household. Ekodoma provided information on historical development on the EU energy labels, showed differences between official EU labels and marketing stickers that are often found on the appliances, as well as explained the meaning of the pictograms on the official new energy labels. The program was shown on March, 25th, and repeated later. View it in Latvian here.
Second Edition of Portuguese Newsletter
The second newsletter to the portuguese stakeholders (state authorities, associations, energy agencies, retailers, shops, web portals, etc).
Project newsletters in Greek language
The Greek project partner, CRES, has published and circulated the Come On Labels newsletters, sending it to retailers, suppliers, authorities, experts and otehr stakeholders.
Article on energy efficient electric household appliances - Greece
The Athens News Agency-Macedonian News Agency has published an electronic article on energy efficient electric household appliances with reference to the new energy label and the "Come On Labels" project.
Articles on energy labelling, retailer training and information about new EU legislation in Spain
The Spanish project partner, Escan, has published several articles related to the energy labelling, both for the general public and experts. It has also developed the Spanish version of a retailer training manual, focusing on educating the shop assistants on proper display and usage of the energy labels, and prepared a document on the new EU legislation on energy labelling of the air-conditioning units.
Ask the project organizers for more information!
Italian TV on the new energy labels
A video on the new energy labels for refrigerators has been broadcasted within an Italian TV programme "Le Iene" (The hyenas), a satiric programme that reports to the general public social and political issues and open problems.
The New Appliance A+++ Rating - CANews
An article in the Winter 2012 edition of Carbon Action News on A+++ rating of new appliances. Plus an email update on the project to 800+ CAN members.
Training to students in Sesto Calende, Italy
Energy label related training was presented to students of the Technical institute ISIS C.A. Dalla Chiesa in Sesto Calende (VA). 5 classrooms (about 100 students) have been involved in a information campaign on the use of household appliances in particular cold appliances and washing machines.
Project poster designed and exhibited at Live Expo in Portugal
Quercus, the Portugeese project partner, has designed and exhibited a poster, focused on the explanation of the new energy labels. It was shown to the public the first time at the "Água & Energia Live Expo" Exhibition (Water & Energy Live Expo) which took place on the 22-25 March 2012 in Lisbon.
Radio and television promotion of energy labels in Portugal
The Portugeese project partner participated in several radio and television programmes focused specifically on the explanation and promotion of energy labels to the general public and consumers. Download the broadcasts from the attached file.
Four Heatons: Faster, harder, better, stronger: the new appliance A+++ rating
The Four Heatons 'Moor' magazine is circulated amongst 8,000 households and community groups near Stockport, England. The magazine worked with Severn Wye to promote the labels and the Come on Labels project.
Severn Wye publishes The Review a few times a year and features information on a multitude of projects we work on. In this issue the magazine discusses the Come on Labels project and acts as a call to action for interested stakeholders.
5 Valleys: Faster, harder, better, stronger: the new appliance A+++ rating
The Five Valleys Directory has a readership of around 20,000 people through the Stroud District in Gloucestershire. The magazine regularly features articles from Severn Wye and was keen to raise awareness of the new energy labels.
New label for TVs in Czech TV
On April 3rd, 2012, the Czech Come On Labels representative appeared on the Czech Television Channel one programme focusing on the protection of consumer rights, explaining the new energy labels and the difference in energy consumption by the TV technologies. Find the broadcast here (In Czech language).
Zagreb newspaper article on new energy labels
The Zagreb city regional evening press in Croatia has featured an article about the new energy labels. The newspaper is published in 150 000 copies.
Presenation of energy labels at Amper Exhibition
The presentation and further information (in Czech language) on a presentation delivered on March 22.3.2012 by SEVEn on new energy labels to the visitors of the Amper exhibition and Energy for the Future conferece.
How to identify energy efficient household appliances
An article published in Croatian telecommunication portal regarding energy label.
New energy labels for dishwashers on Czech TV
The representative of the Come On Labels in the Czech Republic spoke about the new energy labels for dishwashers on a consumer protection programme of the Czech Television, broadcasted on 27. March 2012.
Full broadcast in the Czech language here.
Das neue EU-Energieeffizienzlabel/EU Energy Label - Leaflet
The leaflet explains the new energy label and informs about efficient appliances.
Presentation at university in Rome
Presentation for the lesson titled "L'etichettatura energetica: strumento di promozione (globale) dell'efficienza energetica ?" (Energy labelling: tool for the (global) promotion of the energy efficiency?)
Labelling seminars for stakeholders in Malta
Projects in Motion Ltd
Programme and presentations from stakeholder seminar on product energy labelling for representatives of the government authorities, retailers, and suppliers.
New information materials on TV and dishwasher energy labelling in Belgium
Information materials about energy labelling, related to televisions and dishwashers, available both in French and Dutch.
Training to students in Ispra
Summary and photos from a dissemination event where energy label was presented to students in Ispra.
Presentation on product energy labelling on a workshop about biomass stoves labels
Presentation and further information about biomass stoves within the European trade event.
Presentation on new energy labels to fifth grade students in Italy
The Italian project partner, ENEA, has undertaken a presentation to fifth grade students and teachers, dealing with the product energy usage and energy labelling. Full presentation available upon request.
Comparing appliances: when the class makes a difference
Article about the new energy labels in La Repubblica internet newspaper.
Leaflet on new energy labels in Croatia
Leaflet explaining the content and rules of the new energy labels.
The Malta Independent on Sunday on energy labels
Projects in Motion Ltd
Article on the EU energy labelling in the Malta Independent daily newspaper, including the Come On Labels project activities.
Energy labels presented in Greece
On the 19th of December 2011, the Greek partner CRES presented new energy labels during the Forum on Energy and Energy Efficiency organized by the municipality of Aghia Varvara (Attica, Greece).
Newsletters on energy label in Austria
Information about the project and the new energy labels in two email newsletters in November ‐ December 2012.
Come On Labels article in Poland
The Polish project partners has published an article in the Euro 25 magazine, focusing on the project activities and the introduction of the new energy labels. Published in December 2011.
Czech retailer's magazine on energy labelling
One of the largest Czech appliance retailers, Datart, member of KESA Electricals plc., has published a consumer magazine focused on household appliances and electric products, where special article was devoted to the new energy labelling and the explanation of the changes to the consumers. The magazine has a widespread circulation in shops.
Articles promoting new energy labels in Spain
Enclosed are examples of articles, focusing on the new energy labels, published in late 2011 in Spain within the Come On Labels project. The articles are targeted on general public, consumers interested in consumer rights, and on appliance retailers. (3.6 MB)
New energy labels for household appliances - Greece
The Greek project partner CRES has published an article on the new energy labels for household appliances and the "Come On Labels" project on the online research tool EcoTopten.gr.
It has also published an article introducing the new energy labels for household appliances and the "Come On Labels" project on the homepage of the Greek Consumers Centre (ELKEKA). Additionally, the article has been sent via email to all registered members of ELKEKA.
Latvian radio broadcast on new energy labels
The latvian radio station Radio 1 broadcasted on December 16., 2011 a report on new energy labels, taken in a newly opened appliance shop, where the meaning of the energy labels, importance of energy efficient products, instructions for making consumers' own selection criteria at the time of purchaing products etc. was explained to the general public.
File 10MB.
New energy efficiency labels in household appliances
A new article on the energy labelling has been published within the Come On Labels project in Croatia, titled „ New energy efficiency labels in household appliances“.
Article on the new energy label by PRE
The Prague energy utility has published an article on the new energy labels in a "Bydlet v panelu" magazine (Living in prefab appartment), which results from the Come On Labels introduction of new labels provided by SEVEn.
Four types of bookmarks explaining the essentials of the new energy labels for each of the product types with the new label design and content.
Seminar attended by Ekodoma
The Latvian partner Ekodoma presented the latest news on energy labelling during a seminar "Harmful Emissions from the use of Energy. Environmental risks", organised on November 24., 2011 in Riga, Latvia.
New energy labels in Germany
Oeko Institute
An article about the new energy labels and the Come On Labels project in the Newsletter of the Working Group for Energy and Water Savings (ASEW). (In German)
New energy label leaflets in the UK
In November 2011, Severn Wye Energy Agency developed a leaflet that explains the new energy label to consumers and householders. The leaflet has received praise from organisations such as Defra and the Energy Saving Trust.
It will be distributed to a variety of sources in order to reach as many households as possible, from retailer shops and events through to housing associations and direct delivery to thousands of homes.
Press Conference on Energy Labelling
Programme and press article of the press conference on energy labelling held on 26th October 2011 in Prague.
The new EU Energy Label. Information for Retailers and Suppliers in Malta
Projects in Motion Ltd
In Malta, an informative leaflet for retailers and suppliers was prepared in August 2011. Information provided on the leaflet includes general information about the new product energy label scheme, obligations that arise from the EU-wide implementation of this new scheme for retailers and suppliers, information about common label elements and elements specific to certain appliance types. Finally, the leaflet includes information about the Come On Labels project, contact details of the project partners and highlights the support of the Intelligent Energy Europe Programme. The leaflet was circulated to several hundreds of retailers and suppliers in Malta in fall 2011.
Second edition of the leaflet was prepared in May 2012 and will be used at the main national dissemination events.
Brožura o energetickém štítkování
SEVEn, Středisko pro efektivní využívání energie, o.p.s. ve spolupráci s Pražskou energetikou vydalo publikaci o energetickém štítkování spotřebičů. Publikace se zaměřuje na změny ve štítkování, platné od podzimu 2011.
ComeOnLabels - ReadMetro
El nuevo etiquetado energético en España
Entre las actividades del proyecto que se desarrollan en España destaca la difusión de algunos materiales. Este es el díptico elaborado por Escan en el que se analizan los cambios del Nuevo Etiquetado Energético de los siguientes electrodomésticos: lavadoras, lavavajillas, frigoríficos, congeladores y televisiones.
Info sur réfrigérateurs et l’entretien du linge
Le 5 juin 2011,l'Institut Bruxellois de l'Environnement a organisé la "Fête de l'Environnement" annuelle. L'ABEA y a participé de manière active, en tenant un stand pour le projet européen Come On Labels. Outre les conseils généraux en énergie, les visiteurs ont été informés sur le nouveau label énergétique et les astuces pour réduire la consommation de leurs appareils électroménagers. Les enfants présents ont pu chacun réaliser une fleur géante aux couleurs du label énergétique et répondre à des quizz sur l"énergie. Les brochures distribuées sont téléchargeables sur ce site.
2 dépliants nouveaux sur réfrigérateurs et l'entretien du linge - en français et en flamand. (2 MB).
On May 14, 2011, the Joint Research Centre - Ispra Site - organised the annual "Open Day". Visitors received information about the energy efficiency and renewable energy opportunities. The local ENEA office participated to the event presenting the on-going activities, including the ComeOn Label project. The pictures available below for download show the project material displayed, there is also the poster for download.
(4.8 MB)
Nuevo etiquetado energético de electrodomésticos / Articles on the new energy label
In September 2011, ESCAN S.A, partner of the Come On Labels project in Spain, has published energy labelling related articles .